
Recent events have really caused me to reflect on the concept of time. Time is infinitely precious, especially to the finite man, who will eventually live forever (talk about a paradox). Time is like...a car on a one-way lane, with no reverse, and no brakes. You can only move forward. If you loose your way you can never go backwards and re-embark on your journey. You can only recouperate and continue where you left at, arriving at your destination late. Many of those who left at the same time as you have long since passed you by...but i digress.

Time is the father of wisdom.
"Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child"(Proverbs 22:15) and "Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days,"(Job 12:12) ,beloved.
What seperates children and men is time.

Time brings circumstances. Without time, nothing that happens happens.  "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth"(Genesis 1:1). "In the beginning", time. MUST preceed creation, and you can deduce from that that ALL that occurs within the created order is dependant on time.

See how valuable time is?

*I have often lamented the time I have waisted in my life. I honestly view everything that happened in my life prior to coming to Christ as UTTERLY worthless to me. Worthless in the sense that my old man has not left me any practical inheretance in this new life. I truly am reborn -my hypothetical car crashed and upon its repair all the cargo I once hauled is now spoiled goods, worthless garbage. Now im in a virtually new car and I must harvest new goods. All that time collecting trash is now lost! Anyways, enough about me. (I dont want this blog to be about my personal life.)

We must have the same view concerning lost time as Paul had:

"But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, " (Phillipians 3:13b).

And, with the new time God may grant us?

"making the best use of the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:16).

Brothers, sisters, let us praise God for the moments granted to us in this fleeting life and do all for the glory of him who is the called the Ancient of Days.

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