
Since I didn’t start off this blog the way I intended I figure I’d start with a brief introduction of what I am seeking to accomplish here. I don’t seek to restore pre-fall world peace, or start a massive movement in Christianity, no, these ambitions are too grand for even the most inspiring of bloggers. I guess all blogs start off with the prideful idea that “someone needs to read what I have to say,” who can deny? Unfortunately, I am no exception. I guess a sincere and compassionate, and thoughtful, person could start a post with the revelation that something is not right or is missing and out of a concern for the need for others to know about this thing that is missing, or not right, or whatever, they speak. When I view the vast expanse of Christian thinking I do see a chasm somewhere, but I can’t quite see far down the cleft enough to recall what was there. Liken my thoughts to a lamp then, a lamp that’s illumination is not quite bright enough to see what is lost in the darkness of ignorance (or forgetfulness), but still gives glimpses of what is needed. I cant help feeling prideful as I write this, ah, I guess it is unavoidable. I promise to repent.

What are the Thoughts: The thoughts are a hogposh(?) of random ideas that may or may not be theological, but I hope to say something edifying as much as possible. Are not all things theological is some sense? For instance, “I got flicked off by another driver today.” The doctrine of sin. “I have a 3 hour Anatomy class,” may lead me to comment on Purgatory. I am almost sure I would never speak on things so frivolous though. However, thoughts, big or small, relevant or not, are still worthy of some kind of attention. Children say the darndest things, and often the most profound things are said in simplicity. Would to God that I were a collector of quotes so that I may prove that too you, I hear them often -the one sentence aphorisms. Whatever thought that evolves into words (or letters in our case) is something that someone thought was worth others knowing about.

The Oddities are?: Look around you. Is not the world odd enough for me to not need an explanation? I will assume then that you want specifics, specifics that, unfortunately, are not available. The smorgasbord of world events must all be taken in to some degree. For those who must compartmentalize, you can categorize them as your local paper or Washington Post app would. The emotional spectrum of these things are quite exhaustive as well (hilarious, saddening, serious, horrifying, etc.) Do I seek to challenge Ripley‘s with an array of strange phenomena? No, just simply keeping my ears and eyes open to whatever is out there.

And finally, Theology: My theology is the theology of old, those sound doctrines that have been passed down from Jesus to, Paul, all the way down to Augustine, then Calvin. This theology is the theology of the Reformers both then and now, from Luther to Sproul. I am reformed, I am a Calvinist, two terms which are almost synonymous, however, I like to perceive them as embodying one another. My denominational affiliation is Baptist, but theologically I consider myself more of a Presbyterian (why I am not attending a Presbyterian church, then, is for another entry). What these things imply is that I am a Trinitarian, I am a five-point Calvinist, I believe Jesus is the only way to God, I hold to covenant theology which I believe is best expressed in raising children as members of the New Covenant community and initiating them in baptism, training them in the way of the Lord. I have much I believe in (as we all should), most of which you will undoubtedly come to know as you tune in every now and then. My hope is that my theology will teach, encourage, and convict others. It's my hope that one day the church will come to unity on the blessed doctrines presented in those sacred 66 books we call the Holy Bible. I’m just playing my part to fulfill that.

Well there you have it. 12:35AM and I have completed what I set out to do an hour or so ago and that is to tell you what I hope for here. I am no popular guy, so please tell as much people about this as you will. If you’re not impressed come back in two weeks or a month. If not, well than God bless you and thank you for giving me a chance. I am no wonder. I am no Spurgeon. I am not Jesus. I am me, however good or bad that may be usually depends on the day. I hope to meet God fearing  brothers and sisters from Asia to America (we are rare these days, you know), the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

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