By hook or by crook

Luke 16:16-17  (NASB) ––

"16 'The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail."


When entrance into something (be it a position, institution, or state of mind) is difficult or impossible to attain, there is always some sort of barrier involved. We want a lot of things and the reason we don't have them is because something stands in the way. The position we want at a job is unattainable because there are experience requirements that act as barriers preventing those who should not possess such a position from possessing them. I'm in the middle of looking for new employment and the degrees and experience that I don't have act as barriers. I can’t force myself in.

Forcing implies an effort, and so we apply for the job we don't qualify for in hopes that a miracle will happen. And that after we get in we can prove ourselves worthy.

The kingdom of God is an institution with barriers. That barrier is righteousness. The key that opens the door to this barrier is repentance and faith. John stood as a doorkeeper to this barrier-gate seeking and proclaiming the password of repentance.

Many fudge the numbers when it comes to resumes and qualifications. They fabricate and invent jobs that they’ve never had; increase the lengths that they worked; lie about promotions; make up positions; make up tasks that they claim to have done. All with hopes of forcing themselves into the job.

The Pharisees fudged their resume in an attempt to enter into the kingdom. At the gate they claimed to not need the key, or password, of repentance seeing as they were already righteous––they fasted on the streets, tithed herbs, and so on. The problem is that Christ knew what is in their hearts (16:15). He knew their experience and accolades and that they didn’t measure up. They fell short.

The problem with all those who, like the Pharisees, are not honest with themselves is that God will in no way lower the requirements for the job. If the folks at IBM won't lower their standards for me, what makes you think God will lower His for the kingdom of heaven? "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter of the Law to fail." (16:18). IBM won't remove their requirement for a Masters in Computer Science, Jesus won't remove his requirement for absolute obedience. So what do you do? Force yourself in only to get thrown out, or make use of the key of repentance? It's your call.